Real Men

'Real men do this..Real men do that..blah blah blah!'

Kindly define this 'Real men' criteria.
Because i don't think I am a 'Real man'. As all the stupidity you talk about to keep your feminism alive, I don't even get it. I do what I find right and know how to behave with women and I think that's enough.Women also need to learn that. We men are not here to just make you happy..We have got hell lot of better things to do. And moreover, we as humans are also supposed to enjoy the luxury of being happy but who cares. We don't blame you for that because even we don't care about being happy but please don't make it a burden for us to make you happy!

I might be a male chauvinist for you. But we don't have such 'classy' word to make a feminist feel offensive (even if it's there, i don't know it) about her ideas of hypocrisy just to make herself happy.
Yes! I don't deny this fact that male have been brutal with women at times but that doesn't give you the right to generalize.

Men are cruel, true. But so are women. They do misbehave. But, I, being a male chauvinist, never come up with 'Real Women do this, Real women do that' or any shit like that. You know why? Because I am not here to generalize or judge women as who are real and who are not.

All the objectives that you use for women to show her helplessness actually make it worse for them and the same goes with men. Stop 'glorifying' our misdeeds. We are already too ashamed but we don't need your expert opinions on it!

P.s.- 'We men' doesn't include all the men. It's my personal view that just includes me and some of my kind who think the same..those who don't are the 'Real men' I guess!


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