Learn, click and then create!

The problem with every 'wanna be' photographer is that he criticizes the others of his breed just because he too has an expensive DSLR camera with a fucking high quality lens to call himself a photographer by clicking any shit with adjusted zoom, focus, ISO blah blah blah.

Reality check guys! That doesn't make you a photographer.You are just an amateur, don't consider yourself a professional.

May be, we need to define photography properly or may be, we need to teach this Facebook breed of 'wanna be' photographers what photography is before the situation becomes bizarre just like journalism..

I know every 'wanna be' will be offended after reading this and will question my knowledge about photography.Yes, I know nothing about photography but i don't call myself a "photographer" either.
Remember, a camera doesn't make you a photographer, your creativity does and there is no harm in learning and then creating.

Learn, click and then create!


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