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The sorted mess 2.0

When she thought that her transition phase has ended, it actually began that day. From being a mess of chaos to a sorted and matured individual, and then again a sorted mess, this has been her journey so far. Looking back to the days when she used to be a mess, her priorities were dreaming and her determination was making it all real. There was fresh air around her to breathe, good, innocent people to talk to and a box of hopes and expectations. Growing up was hard on her. It shattered the dreams and killed all the hopes and expectations she had from herself and her life. She met reality at the ground level and her elevator denied going upwards, so she preferred to go by the stairs. The people around her had grown up, and at every level that she went to, the tragedy of dealing with people started. She started to understand life and after all the compromises she made, she became a sensible and mature girl for some, and a kid for many. It was the time she started believing in t

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