My way out

And at this point in life, in my mid-20s, I have found my way out. With the experiences that I have come across, I have actually “grown up”, and trust me, I have grown up a lot. When I talk of how “sorted” my life is right now, I find myself short of words.

I know it’s tough to have it all sorted at any stage of life, especially in this age, but in spite of a long list of failures in life along with a couple of break ups and physical injuries as well, I have come across a long way and my words here prove that quite well when I am talking about my “sorted” life rather than talking about the “problems” in life.

It might not be easy for you to understand the dimensions of my life, because you know a very small part of it, but I know how good it feels to make peace with your life.

Now, I stand here, bothered about nothing, because I have learnt things and I have come out as a stronger person than I was. As they say, I am “matured”, of which I don’t have any idea, but all I know is yes, I have found peace and happiness within me, I feel connected to my inner soul, I have no fucks to give to people, I have no grudges to kill me and I have no worries if I get buried today.

On another note, it’s not that I don’t have hopes and expectations from life or I don’t feel like falling in love again, or I don’t wish to explore my life. It’s just that I have understood myself better by coming out of my area of comfort and if life confronts me today and asks if I could be a good companion to its mistakes, I’ll say yes and I will not regret this later.


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