Dadri - The Blame Game!

Why do we have so many problems not just in our daily lives but also in the society and the nation? Because before solving one, we start discussing the other one and before concluding that too, again a new one. This cycle is called ' The Cycle of Naivety'. The basic component of this cycle is blaming. Reason being, we all want the ball in our court.

As we start some discussion, or to be precise, an argument, we pour every drop of knowledge that we have on any specific topic. The subject we started to talk about has already died a thousand deaths till the time we make any point. The tree that was not supposed to cut has now a goat tied up to it and we are having an argument over how insensitive it is to kill animals for the sake of enjoying the meal. The point is valid. But, the tree and greenery has already taken the road to hell by now.

Moving forward to the blame game that we play with all our hearts. To justify one act of immorality, we counter with the other ones despite accepting the fault and making things better. The question is 'Do we really want to make things better?' The answer is a big NO. We just want these arguments to go on so that we get opportunities to argue and misguide people at the same time. Moreover, we just want our points to be proven right and our cause to be the only one that gets all the attention. To simplify things in one line, we are certified bigots.

I am not writing all this for any cause. I am writing this because I am mentally affected by whatever happened at Dadri and is being justified in the name of religion and beef. The blame game between Hindus and Muslims have started and it's pathetic to watch all this. We have lost our senses. 'Jihaad' in the name of religion was not enough for us. We wanted something to equalise their acts. So, we became the partners in crime and killed humanity together. Muslims have the upper hand here in this case but that certainly doesn't justify anything for anyone. Nevertheless, the non-terminating political drama is at its peak by altering the facts and evidences as usual.

Here, in India, I might be considered a 'Sickular' by the bunch of so called 'Hindu Nationals' who are  mocking the nation in the name of religious prejudice and protecting the cultural heritage. The deception has been created and people are beguiled in the name of God. The jingoism we are drowning into has started questioning us. We are becoming the country we never wanted to be. We are on the verge of a national riot. Congratulations to all those who want to kill for the dominance of their religion. You have got the platform to perform. I just pray that someone from your family or known doesn’t become a martyr of your agenda.


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